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GFANZ, Greenwashing, ESG and Sustainability Standards
In April 2021 the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) was launched. Here we discuss its founding, the importance of ESG aligned finance and how firms can avoid the accusations of Greenwashing through commonly understood standards.
IEA and IPCC Reports: Are Governments & Business in Denial? Pt 3
In Part 3 of a three-part series, we look at the implications for finance from the IEA & IPCC reports. We discuss the potential for stranded assets, regulatory and investor expectations, and the potential impact of climate litigation.
Notes from the Green Horizon Summit
Our Notes from the Green Horizon Summit, a 3-day virtual conference on the role of finance in tackling climate change, hosted by the City of London, Green Finance Institute and the World Economic Forum.
Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures - A step on the road to mobilising climate finance
How recommendations from the TCFD have helped prompt the financial industry into action on climate change.
Electrification and the Sustainability of Minerals
In this article we argue that ‘clean’ energy must not be bought at the expense of the safety of adult or child labour in mines, or the destruction of the environment through seabed mining.
Guest Blog: Carbon Pricing and COP26
A guest blog by Hannah Dillion from The Zero Carbon campaign - on Carbon Pricing and COP26