Latest from the blog
Africa’s Great Green Wall
A guest blog from Sarah Gavioli of Istituto Analisi Relazioni Internationali ‘IARI’ in Italy. Article on the Great Green Wall (‘GGW’) initiative - a major international land restoration initiative across Africa.
Italy’s Environmental Law & Policies: Still a Long Road Ahead
In this guest blog, Giulia Paniccia from Istituto Analisi Relazioni Internationali ‘IARI’ considers the different levels of environmental laws and their implementation in Italy, and draws some conclusions of wider application to the effective enforcement of laws generally
Coming up: Using the Law To Fix the Climate Workshop at POP Festival
On June 8th William Wilson will run a workshop on Using the Law to Fix the Climate at this years international Protect Our Planet Festival
Sir Dieter Helm CBE: Climate Change and Your Career
Sir Dieter Helm CBE provides remarks for the COP26 and beyond and Earth Action Hub event Climate Change and Your Career on 21st May at 5pm (UK).
Climate Change and Your Career: A View from Italy
Ahead of COP26 and beyond's Climate Change and Your Career event we hear from IARI’s Sara Gavioli on what green jobs mean for Italy.
An Interview with Ajai Ahluwalia
An interview with engineer Ajai Ahluwalia - a speaker at COP26andbeyond’s ‘Climate Change and Your Career’ event on 21st May
Climate Change and your Career - upcoming online event
21st May - event exploring how climate change will impact your career and what you can do about it. Speakers from University of Oxford, International Labour Organisation, Overseas Development Institute and much more!
Landmark Legal Victories In France & Germany
Recent legal rulings in both France and Germany have held that the governments of both countries are not doing enough to fight climate change. They have both led to immediate political responses and show how future litigation might be successful elsewhere.
Where do our emissions come from?
Part 2 of our Emissions Explained series. In this blog we will explain the different types of greenhouse gas and fossil fuel, as well as try and find the source of the worlds emissions. Which sectors emit the most? Which fuels are to blame? And how has the UK managed to reduce its CO2 emissions?
Emissions Explained
In Part 1 of our Energy & Emissions series, we ask: how much CO2 are we emitting into the atmosphere? Who emits the most? What is Net-Zero? And are we on track to reach it?
Coal, Climate & COP26 as seen from India - an Interview with Vikrant Srivastava
COP26andbeyond interviewed Vikrant Srivastava, a climate activist and commentator, to talk about India’s coal industry.
Australian Coal Mine Legal Challenge - Interview with a Plaintiff
As part of our series on ‘Using the Law to Fix the Climate’, we got in touch with Tom Webster Arbizu in Australia, a climate activist and one of the plaintiffs in the legal challenge: Sharma and others v Minister for the Environment. We put some questions to Tom and his lawyers about the case.
COP26 as seen from Glasgow
We asked Kirsty Platt, International Collaboration Specialist at Scottish Enterprise, to give a Scottish viewpoint on the upcoming COP26 conference, due to take place in Glasgow this November.
Net Zero and Ethical Supply Chains - An Urgent Issue for the Energy Transition
In this blog we argue that net-zero, the energy transition and addressing climate change are all essential and pressing issues, but that the enormous ‘gold rush’ for metals and minerals to support new ‘energy transition technologies carries major risks unless the need for ethical supply chains is addressed promptly.
Climate Science - What Is Scientific Consensus?
In this blog, we define terms like scientific consensus and scientific theory, and examine the level of consensus regarding man-made climate change among climate scientists.
Cities, Climate Adaption and Resilience
The example of Miami at the 2021 Climate Adaptation Summit. A Guest Blog by Chiara Ferro
An Interview with Uchenna Ibe
We interviewed Uchenna Ibe, Chartered Mechanical Engineer and Senior Project Manager at Iberdrola, about his work, transitioning from oil & gas to renewables, and the future of offshore wind.
An Interview with Henry Preston
We interviewed Henry Preston, scientist at the National Nuclear Laboratory and YGN outreach coordinator, in advance of our Engineering for the Energy Transition Event.
An Interview with Dr Daisy Thomas
We interviewed Dr Daisy Thomas, lead automotive research engineer at 3DATX, in advance of our Engineering for the Energy Transition Event.