Latest from the blog
COP26andBeyond at Glasgow: Events at COY16 & COP26
COP26andBeyond will be hosting several events during COY16 & COP26:
“Beyond COP26” Workshop @ Virtual Conference of Youth. 30th Oct.
“Net Zero Scotland Community - Future Series” - Glasgow. 4th Nov
“Beyond COP26”. with After the Pandemic. Uni of Strathclyde - Glasgow. 4th Nov
Copy COP: Can Nature Take a Leaf from the Climate Book?
For our third article in a series on Climate & Biodiversity, we are privileged to have this expert contribution from Dr Richard Benwell, CEO of Wildlife & Countryside Link on the critical importance of the forthcoming Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Kunming, China in October 2021, and its links to the climate negotiations.
IEA and IPCC Reports: Are Governments & Business in Denial? Pt 3
In Part 3 of a three-part series, we look at the implications for finance from the IEA & IPCC reports. We discuss the potential for stranded assets, regulatory and investor expectations, and the potential impact of climate litigation.
IEA and IPCC Reports: Are Governments & Business in Denial? Pt 2
In Part 2 of a three-part series, we look at the initial response to the recent IEA & IPCC reports from governments, and some of the wider implications for financial institutions.
IEA and IPCC Reports: Are Governments & Business in Denial? Pt 1
In this first of a three-part series, we look at the way in which the publication in the summer of 2021 of two reports, from the IAE and the IPCC, has fundamentally changed the ground rules for fossil fuel investment.
Climate Change and COP26 as Seen from South Korea - “Words Into Actions”
In the run up to COP26, we are continuing to investigate inspiring actions and examples on climate change from young people in different parts of the world.
In this article we were lucky to be able to put some interview questions to 15-year-old South Korean climate activist Jiheyon (Cherry) Sung.
Mind the gap: UK progress on tackling climate change
Summarising the UK Committee on Climate Change’s reports on the UK’s progress on reducing emissions and adapting to climate change.
Coal, Climate & COP26 as seen from India - an Interview with Vikrant Srivastava
COP26andbeyond interviewed Vikrant Srivastava, a climate activist and commentator, to talk about India’s coal industry.
COP26 as seen from Glasgow
We asked Kirsty Platt, International Collaboration Specialist at Scottish Enterprise, to give a Scottish viewpoint on the upcoming COP26 conference, due to take place in Glasgow this November.
Cumbrian Coal Mine - National Policy or Localism?
In March 2019 Cumbria County Council approved plans for a new £165 million deep coal mine. We look at why the decision was made and what that means for the UK’s credibility at COP26.
25-26 January: Climate Adaptation Summit
Our look forward to the Climate Adaption Summit on the 25th & 26th January
Alok Sharma to Take On Full Time COP26 Responsibilities
Alok Sharma steps down as Secretary of State for BEIS to concentrate full time on his responsibilities as the incoming president of COP26.
Climate Ambition Summit - 12th Dec 2020
Our notes from the UN Climate Ambition Summit hosted virtually by the UK & France on the 12th Dec 2020
A COP26 and beyond Guide to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
English, Spanish & Italian versions of our guide available for download.
Climate & Biodiversity: What it can mean to lose a species
A look at two real-life examples of the impact on biodiversity of losing a species
Global Climate Change Agreements - Evolution & Current Challenges
This guest blog from our Italian friends and colleagues at IARI - the Instituto Analisi Relazioni Internationali - sets out and reviews the progress in the development of Climate Change Agreements.
Accelerating Water & Climate Action at COP26 - Notes
Notes from the SIWI World Water Week webinar on Accelerating Water and Climate Action at COP26.
Green Recovery – First Principles
This article is the first in a series looking at different aspects of the ‘Green Recovery’ from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Irish Supreme Court Climate Judgement
A summary of the recent Irish Supreme Court Case: Friends of the Irish Environment v The Government of Ireland
Climate & Biodiversity: Converging Conventions?
Can UNFCC COP26 converge its aims with COP15 of the Convention on Biological Diversity - being held in China in May 2021?